Donate to BARC

BARC is a non-profit 501c(3) organization committed to ending euthanasia of healthy, adoptable dogs and cats by promoting and providing spay/neuter surgeries for pets of low-income individuals and families. Your tax-deductible donations will gratefully be accepted.

There are several options for donations, including as a memorial to persons or pets, in honor of a person, event, organization or pet, for a special occasion (e.g. birthday, anniversary) or simply as a general donation in support of our efforts to help end euthanasia of healthy, adoptable dogs and cats.  (These options are available below.)  You tell us how you would like your donation recognized and we will take care of acknowledging your gift and will send cards to inform persons of your memorials, honorariums or celebration of a special occasion.



If you would like to mail a donation to BARC, our address is P.O. Box 944, Fenton, MO  63026
Or click the PayPal button below to donate through your PayPal account or through a credit card.


Make a donation in memory of a special person or a deceased pet or other animal.   A card noting your donation will be sent to a designated individual or family at your request. In PayPal, there’s a box for you to “Add special instructions.” Please provide the following information under “Add special instructions.”

* Your Name
* Honoree Name
* Is the honoree a Pet or Person (If a pet, please include name of person(s) who should receive acknowledgment)
* Special Sentiments on the Acknowledgement Card
* Name and Address of person(s) to receive Acknowledgement Card
* How you want the card signed


Make a donation in honor of a special person or a beloved pet or other animal.  An acknowledgment card will be sent to the recipient to notify them of your thoughtful gift. In PayPal, please add the following information under “Add special instructions”

* Your Name
* Honoree Name
* Is the honoree a Pet or Person (If a pet, please include name of person(s) who should receive acknowledgment)
* Special Sentiments on the Acknowledgment Card
* Name and Address of  person(s) to receive Acknowledgement Card
* How you want the card signed


Make a donation in honor of a special occasion – a birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.  An acknowledgment card will be sent to the recipient (including you, if it’s YOUR birthday, anniversary, etc.) to notify them of the gift. In PayPal, please add the following information under “Add special instructions”

* Your Name
* Honoree Name
* Is the honoree a Pet or Person (If a pet, please include name of person(s) who should receive acknowledgment)
* Special Sentiments on the Acknowledgment Card
* Name and Address of person(s) to receive Acknowledgement Card
* How you want the card signed
